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YunoHost includes a hook mechanism triggered on a lot of operation changing the system. You can use this mechanism in order to extend the behaviour of a YunoHost command.

The most obvious case is adding a user. If you had a post_user_create hook, this hook will be triggered as soon as a user is added.

How to add a custom hook on a specific instance

Below we imagine we want to run a command after each user creation to add the user to samba user.

You should create a directory with the name of the hooks into /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/:

mkdir -p /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_user_create

Next create a bash script inside this directory prefixed by 2 numbers and a dash:

nano /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_user_create/05-add-user-to-samba

By default, the directory must be readable and traversable by root, but if you notice your hook is not run at all by YunoHost, you can check permissions with ls -l /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/ and apply these commands if needed:

chown root:root /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_user_create
chmod u+rx /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_user_create

How to add a hook in an app package

If you are packaging an app, you should not set by yourself the hook into /etc/yunohost/hooks.d instead you should create a hooks dir at the root of your package.

├── conf
├── hooks
├── scripts

In the hooks dir, create a bash script called with the type of hook you want to create for example post_create_user.

Hooks referencies

User and permissions


Triggered after user creation

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost user create or equivalent action in webadmin.

Environment variables
  • YNH_USER_USERNAME: The username of the created user
  • YNH_USER_MAIL: The mail of the created user
  • YNH_USER_PASSWORD: The clear password of the created user
  • YNH_USER_FIRSTNAME: The firstname of the created user (should be removed in future)
  • YNH_USER_LASTNAME: The lastname of the created user (should be removed in future)
Positionnal arguments (deprecated)
  • $1: The username of the created user
  • $2: The mail of the created user
No waited return
Send automatically a mail to new user
domain=$(cat /etc/hostname)

message="Hello $YNH_USER_FIRSTNAME,
Welcome on $domain ! 
Feel free to <a href='https://$domain/yunohost/sso/edit.html'>change your password</a>.
Let me know if you have a problem,
The admin of $domain

echo $message | mail -s "Welcome on $domain !" $YNH_USER_MAIL


Triggered at the end of user deletion

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost user delete or equivalent action in webadmin.

No environment variables
Positionnal arguments
  • $1: The username of the user deleted
  • $2: True if --purge option is used
No waited return


Triggered at the end of the user update

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost user update or equivalent action in webadmin.

Environment variables

Only arguments given to the cli/api are given as environment variable.

  • YNH_USER_USERNAME: The username of the updated user
  • YNH_USER_FIRSTNAME: The firstname of the updated user (should be removed in future)
  • YNH_USER_LASTNAME: The lastname of the updated user (should be removed in future)
  • YNH_USER_PASSWORD: The new password of the updated user
  • YNH_USER_MAILS: The mail and mail aliases of the updated user seperated by comma
  • YNH_USER_MAILFORWARDS: The list of forward mails of the updated user separated by comma
  • YNH_USER_MAILQUOTA: The quota of the updated user (could be 0 or a number following by one of this unit: b, k, M, G or T)

No positionnal arguments

No waited return


Send a mail on password changing
domain=$(cat /etc/hostname)

Your password has been successfully changed on $domain.
If you have not asked for changing your password, you probably should contact the admin of $domain.

echo $message | mail -s "Your password has been changed on $domain !" $YNH_USER_USERNAME


Triggered after adding a permission to users or groups

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost user permission add or equivalent action in webadmin.

No environment variables

Positionnal arguments (deprecated)

  • $1: The app name
  • $2: The list of users added separated by comma
  • $3: The name of the sub permission (main, admin, etc.)
  • $4: The list of groups added separated by comma

No waited return



Triggered after removing a pemission to users or groups

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost user permission remove or equivalent action in webadmin.

No environment variables

Positionnal arguments (deprecated)

  • $1: The app name
  • $2: The list of users removed from the permission separated by comma
  • $3: The name of the sub permission (main, admin, etc.)
  • $4: The list of groups removed from the permission separated by comma

No waited return


Domain, certificates and DNS


Triggered at the end of the domain add operation

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost domain add or equivalent action in webadmin.

No environment variable

Positionnal arguments (deprecated)

  • $1: The domain added

No waited return



Triggered after removing the domain

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost domain remove or equivalent action in webadmin.

No environment variable

Positionnal arguments (deprecated)

  • $1: The domain removed

No waited return



Triggered after Let's encrypt certificate update

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost domain cert update or equivalent action in webadmin.

No environment variable

Positionnal arguments

  • $1: The domain for which we have updated the certificate

No waited return


Restart a service after cert renewal
systemctl restart gemserv


Customized your DNS rules for your domains

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost domain dns suggest or equivalent action in webadmin.

Thanks to This hook you can customize

No environment variable

Positionnal arguments

  • $1: The base domain for which we want to build a DNS suggestion

Waited return

The script should return a JSON array with dictionnary in this format:

        'type': 'SRV',
        'name': 'stuff.foo.bar',
        'value': 'yoloswag',
        'ttl': 3600


Validate Let's Encrypt DNS challenge with a YunoHost DynDNS domain
if [[ "$1" == "XXXX.nohost.me" ]] ; then
    echo "[
            'type': 'TXT',
            'name': '_acme-challenge',
            'value': 'LETSENCRYPT_VALUE',
            'ttl': 3600



Triggered after an app has changed of URL

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost app change-url or equivalent action in webadmin.

Environment variables

  • YNH_APP_OLD_DOMAIN: The old domain of the app
  • YNH_APP_OLD_PATH: The old path of the app
  • YNH_APP_NEW_DOMAIN: The new domain of the app
  • YNH_APP_NEW_PATH: The new path of the app

No positionnal arguments

No waited return



Triggered on app upgrade

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost app upgrade or equivalent action in webadmin.

Environment variables

  • YNH_APP_ID: The app id (for example nextcloud)
  • YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME: The app instance name (for example nextcloud__2)
  • YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NUMBER: The app instance number (for example 2)
  • YNH_APP_MANIFEST_VERSION: The app manifest version (for example 1 or ?)
  • YNH_ARCH: The arch as returned by dpkg --print-architecture
  • YNH_APP_MANIFEST_VERSION: The version number
  • YNH_APP_CURRENT_VERSION: The version number of the app (in the YunoHost format)
  • NO_BACKUP_UPGRADE: 1 if we don't want to backup else 0

No positionnal arguments

No waited return


Change a settings in an app config file (unmanaged by config panel)

source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers

if [[ "$app" == "etherpad_mypads" ]]; then
  ynh_write_var_in_file --file=/var/www/etherpad_mypads/settings.json --key=max --value=100 --after=importExportRateLimiting
  systemctl restart etherpad_mypads


Triggered at the end of an app installation

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost app install or equivalent action in webadmin.

Environment variables

  • YNH_APP_ID: The app id (for example nextcloud)
  • YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME: The app instance name (for example nextcloud__2)
  • YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NUMBER: The app instance number (for example 2)
  • YNH_APP_MANIFEST_VERSION: The app manifest version (for example 1 or ?)
  • YNH_ARCH: The arch as returned by dpkg --print-architecture
  • YNH_APP_ARG_XXXXXXX: The argument of the manifest

No positionnal arguments

No waited return



Triggered after removing an app

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost app remove or equivalent action in webadmin.

Environment variables

  • YNH_APP_ID: The app id (for example nextcloud)
  • YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME: The app instance name (for example nextcloud__2)
  • YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NUMBER: The app instance number (for example 2)
  • YNH_APP_MANIFEST_VERSION: The app manifest version (for example 1 or ?)
  • YNH_ARCH: The arch as returned by dpkg --print-architecture
  • YNH_APP_PURGE: 1 if the --purge option has been activated

No positionnal arguments

No waited return


Backup / Restore


Add some files to backup

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost backup create or equivalent action in webadmin.

Environment variables

  • YNH_BACKUP_DIR: The work dir in which we can store temporary data to backup like database dump
  • YNH_BACKUP_CSV: The CSV in which we add the things to backup. Don't use this directly and use ynh_backup helper instead.
  • YNH_APP_BACKUP_DIR: To document

Positionnal arguments

  • $1: The work dir in which we can store temporary data to backup like database dump

No waited return


Backup some files in more (for example your custom hooks)

# Source YNH helpers
source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers

ynh_backup_dest (){
    mkdir -p $YNH_CWD
    cd "$YNH_CWD"

# Exit hook on subcommand error or unset variable

ynh_backup_dest "conf/custom/misc"
ynh_backup "/etc/sysctl.d/noipv6.conf"
ynh_backup "/usr/local/bin/"

ynh_backup "/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup/99-conf_custom"
ynh_backup "/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/restore/99-conf_custom"


Restore some files

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost backup restore or equivalent action in webadmin.

Environment variables

  • YNH_BACKUP_DIR: The work dir in which we can store temporary data to backup like database dump
  • YNH_BACKUP_CSV: The CSV in which we add the things to backup. Don't use this directly and use ynh_backup helper instead.

Positionnal arguments

  • $1: The work dir in which we can store temporary data to backup like database dump

No waited return


restore custom files

# Source YNH helpers
source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers

ynh_restore_dest (){
    cd "$YNH_CWD"

# Exit hook on subcommand error or unset variable

ynh_restore_dest "conf/custom/misc"
ynh_restore_file "/etc/sysctl.d/noipv6.conf"
ynh_restore_file "/usr/local/bin/"

ynh_restore_file "/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup/99-conf_custom"
ynh_restore_file "/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/restore/99-conf_custom"


Define a new way to backup and restore files

This hook is run during the command yunohost backup create or equivalent action in webadmin.

This hook is called several times with different action keywords.

No environment variables

Positionnal arguments

  • $1: The action ("need_mount", "backup", "mount")
  • $2: The work dir
  • $3: The name of the backup
  • $4: The repository in which the backup should be done
  • $5: An estimation size of the files to backup
  • $6: A description of the archive

No waited return


A very simple backup on rotationnal disks
set -euo pipefail


case "$1" in
    # Set false if your method can itself put files in good place in your archive
    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/hdd
    if [[ "$(df /mnt/hdd | tail -n1 | cut -d" " -f1)" != "/dev/sda1" ]]
        exit 1
    pushd "$work_dir"
    current_date=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M")
    cp -a "${work_dir}" "/mnt/hdd/${current_date}_$name"
    umount /mnt/hdd
    echo "hook called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
    exit 1

exit 0

Configuration and firewall


Triggered after reloaded the firewall rules

This hook is run at the end of the command yunohost firewall reload or equivalent action in webadmin.

No environment variables

Positionnal arguments

  • $1: True if upnp has succeeded
  • $2: True if ipv6 is available

No waited return


Forbid completely the outgoing 25 port except for postfix user
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -m owner --uid-owner postfix -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -m tcp -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable


Change configuration suggested as default config in regen-conf mechanism

This hook is run during the command yunohost tools regen-conf or equivalent action in webadmin.

This hook is called several times with different actions keywords (pre and post operations).

Environment variables

  • YNH_DOMAINS: The list of domains managed by YunoHost separated by comma
  • YNH_MAIN_DOMAINS: The list of main domains separated by comma

Positionnal arguments

  • $1: The pre or post action
  • $2: Empty string due to legacy
  • $3: Empty string due to legacy
  • $4: In post mode the list of file which should be modified. In pre mode the dir in which we store pending configuration

No waited return


Fix the warning about postfix compatibility mode in postfix logs


[[ "$action" == "pre" ]] || exit 0
[[ -e $postfix_conf ]] || exit 0
echo '
compatibility_level = 2' >> $postfix_conf

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