The rule of thumb is that we only include software licensed under a free-software license in the official app catalog.
As YunoHost grew, some gray area cases appeared with software that would be relevant for YunoHost's goal and match its spirit, while not being strictly-speaking free-software. These applications may be:
While we believe free software principles are an essential footstep towards YunoHost's goal, we believe they are a means and not an end. We reject the purist vision according to which software is either free or proprietary, and the flawed premise that technology is fundamentally neutral. We believe that ethical software and technology can and should exist beyond the definition of free software layed 40 years ago (see also: Freedom isn't Free and Post-Open Source).
The project therefore allows the inclusion inside the official app catalog, on a case-by-case basis, of apps which does not qualify as "free software", yet considered to be ethical and worthy of interest for YunoHost's goal. Such apps are tagged in the catalog, such that an explicit message displayed before their installation.
If you notice an app is missing such a tag/disclaimer, feel free to open a discussion or pull requet on the app catalog.
If you run YunoHost for your business, you are responsible for doing your due diligence by checking the licenses of the software you want to install on your server.
In addition, the YunoHost team decided to not include apps in the official catalog if they:
The team may make exceptions to these criteria on a case-by-case basis, on its own volition. The team may also amend this list with other criteria in the future.
These editorial choices do not mean that apps infringing them cannot be created, merely that they won't be included in the official catalog. You are free to:
yunohost app install <url_to_git_repo_ynh>
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