Doc auto-generated by this script on 02/03/2025 (YunoHost version 12.1.1)
This is coupled to the 'sources' resource in the manifest.toml
Usage: ynh_setup_source --dest_dir=dest_dir [--source_id=source_id] [--keep="file1 file2"] [--full_replace]
, --dest_dir=
: Directory where to setup sources-s
, --source_id=
: Name of the source, defaults to main
(when the sources resource exists in manifest.toml) or (legacy) app
, --keep=
: Space-separated list of files/folders that will be backup/restored in $dest_dir, such as a config file you don't want to overwrite. For example 'conf.json secrets.json logs' (no trailing /
for folders)-r
, --full_replace=
: Remove previous sources before installing new sources (can be 1 or 0, default to 0)Details:
(See also the resources documentation which may be more complete?)
This helper will read infos from the 'sources' resources in the manifest.toml of the app and expect a structure like:
url = ""
sha256 = "0123456789abcdef" # The sha256 sum of the asset obtained from the URL
format = "tar.gz"/xz/bz2 # automatically guessed from the extension of the URL, but can be set explicitly. Will use `tar` to extract
"zip" # automatically guessed from the extension of the URL, but can be set explicitly. Will use `unzip` to extract
"docker" # useful to extract files from an already-built docker image (instead of rebuilding them locally). Will use `docker-image-extract` to extract
"whatever" # an arbitrary value, not really meaningful except to imply that the file won't be extracted
in_subdir = true # default, there's an intermediate subdir in the archive before accessing the actual files
false # sources are directly in the archive root
n # (special cases) an integer representing a number of subdirs levels to get rid of
extract = true # default if file is indeed an archive such as .zip, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, ...
= false # default if file 'format' is not set and the file is not to be extracted because it is not an archive but a script or binary or whatever asset.
# in which case the file will only be `mv`ed to the location possibly renamed using the `rename` value
rename = "whatever_your_want" # to be used for convenience when `extract` is false and the default name of the file is not practical
platform = "linux/amd64" # (defaults to "linux/$YNH_ARCH") to be used in conjonction with `format = "docker"` to specify which architecture to extract for
You may also define assets url and checksum per-architectures such as:
amd64.url = ""
amd64.sha256 = "0123456789abcdef"
armhf.url = ""
armhf.sha256 = "fedcba9876543210"
In which case ynh_setup_source --dest_dir="$install_dir"
will automatically pick the appropriate source depending on the arch
The helper will:
is true, the first level directory of the archive will be removed.in_subdir
is a numeric value, the N first level directories will be removed.sources/patches/${src_id}-*.patch
will be applied to $dest_dir
will be copied to dest_dirRequires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
These allow to install specific version of the technology required to run some apps
Usage: ynh_use_nodejs
has to be used in any app scripts before using node for the first time.
This helper will provide alias and variables to use in your scripts.
To use npm or node, use the alias ynh_npm
and ynh_node
Those alias will use the correct version installed for the app.
For example: use ynh_npm install
instead of npm install
With sudo
or ynh_exec_as
, use instead the fallback variables $ynh_npm
and $ynh_node
And propagate $PATH to sudo with $ynh_node_load_PATH
Exemple: ynh_exec_as $app $ynh_node_load_PATH $ynh_npm install
$PATH contains the path of the requested version of node.
However, $PATH is duplicated into $node_PATH to outlast any manipulation of $PATH
You can use the variable $ynh_node_load_PATH
to quickly load your node version
in $PATH for an usage into a separate script.
Exemple: $ynh_node_load_PATH $final_path/`
Finally, to start a nodejs service with the correct version, 2 solutions Either the app is dependent of node or npm, but does not called it directly. In such situation, you need to load PATH :
You will replace NODE_ENV_PATH with $ynh_node_load_PATH.
Or node start the app directly, then you don't need to load the PATH variable
ExecStart=__YNH_NODE__ my_app run
You will replace __YNH_NODE__ with $ynh_node
2 other variables are also available
Requires YunoHost version 2.7.12 or higher.
Usage: ynh_install_nodejs --nodejs_version=nodejs_version
, --nodejs_version=
: Version of node to install. When possible, your should prefer to use major version number (e.g. 8 instead of 8.10.0).Details:
ynh_install_nodejs will install the version of node provided as argument by using n.
(Node version management) uses the PATH
variable to store the path of the version of node it is going to use.
That's how it changes the version
Refer to ynh_use_nodejs
for more information about available commands and variables
Requires YunoHost version 2.7.12 or higher.
Usage: ynh_remove_nodejs
This helper will check if another app uses the same version of node.
Requires YunoHost version 2.7.12 or higher.
Usage: ynh_use_ruby
ynh_use_ruby has to be used in any app scripts before using Ruby for the first time.
This helper will provide alias and variables to use in your scripts.
To use gem or Ruby, use the alias ynh_gem
and ynh_ruby
Those alias will use the correct version installed for the app
For example: use ynh_gem install
instead of gem install
With sudo
or ynh_exec_as
, use instead the fallback variables $ynh_gem
and $ynh_ruby
And propagate $PATH to sudo with $ynh_ruby_load_path
Exemple: ynh_exec_as $app $ynh_ruby_load_path $ynh_gem install
$PATH contains the path of the requested version of Ruby.
However, $PATH is duplicated into $ruby_path to outlast any manipulation of $PATH
You can use the variable $ynh_ruby_load_path
to quickly load your Ruby version
in $PATH for an usage into a separate script.
Exemple: $ynh_ruby_load_path $final_path/`
Finally, to start a Ruby service with the correct version, 2 solutions
Either the app is dependent of Ruby or gem, but does not called it directly.
In such situation, you need to load PATH
You will replace __YNH_RUBY_LOAD_PATH__ with $ynh_ruby_load_path
Or Ruby start the app directly, then you don't need to load the PATH variable
ExecStart=__YNH_RUBY__ my_app run
You will replace __YNH_RUBY__ with $ynh_ruby
one other variable is also available
Requires YunoHost version 3.2.2 or higher.
Usage: ynh_install_ruby --ruby_version=ruby_version
, --ruby_version=
: Version of ruby to install.Details:
ynh_install_ruby will install the version of Ruby provided as argument by using rbenv.
This helper creates a /etc/profile.d/ that configures PATH environment for rbenv for every LOGIN user, hence your user must have a defined shell (as opposed to /usr/sbin/nologin)
Don't forget to execute ruby-dependent command in a login environment (e.g. sudo --login option) When not possible (e.g. in systemd service definition), please use direct path to rbenv shims (e.g. $RBENV_ROOT/shims/bundle)
Requires YunoHost version 3.2.2 or higher.
Usage: ynh_remove_ruby
This helper will also cleanup Ruby versions
Usage: ynh_cleanup_ruby
This helper will check what Ruby version are no more required,
and uninstall them
If no app uses Ruby, rbenv will be also removed.
Usage: ynh_use_go
ynh_use_go has to be used in any app scripts before using Go for the first time.
This helper will provide alias and variables to use in your scripts.
To use gem or Go, use the alias ynh_gem
and ynh_go
Those alias will use the correct version installed for the app
For example: use ynh_gem install
instead of gem install
With sudo
or ynh_exec_as
, use instead the fallback variables $ynh_gem
and $ynh_go
And propagate $PATH to sudo with $ynh_go_load_path
Exemple: ynh_exec_as $app $ynh_go_load_path $ynh_gem install
$PATH contains the path of the requested version of Go.
However, $PATH is duplicated into $go_path to outlast any manipulation of $PATH
You can use the variable $ynh_go_load_path
to quickly load your Go version
in $PATH for an usage into a separate script.
Exemple: $ynh_go_load_path $install_dir/
Finally, to start a Go service with the correct version, 2 solutions
Either the app is dependent of Go or gem, but does not called it directly.
In such situation, you need to load PATH
You will replace __YNH_GO_LOAD_PATH__ with $ynh_go_load_path
Or Go start the app directly, then you don't need to load the PATH variable
ExecStart=__YNH_GO__ my_app run
You will replace __YNH_GO__ with $ynh_go
one other variable is also available
Requires YunoHost version 3.2.2 or higher.
Usage: ynh_install_go --go_version=go_version
, --go_version=
: Version of go to install.Details:
ynh_install_go will install the version of Go provided as argument by using goenv.
This helper creates a /etc/profile.d/ that configures PATH environment for goenv for every LOGIN user, hence your user must have a defined shell (as opposed to /usr/sbin/nologin)
Don't forget to execute go-dependent command in a login environment (e.g. sudo --login option) When not possible (e.g. in systemd service definition), please use direct path to goenv shims (e.g. $goenv_ROOT/shims/bundle)
Requires YunoHost version 3.2.2 or higher.
Usage: ynh_remove_go
This helper will also cleanup Go versions
Usage: ynh_cleanup_go
This helper will check what Go version are no more required,
and uninstall them
If no app uses Go, goenv will be also removed.
Usage: ynh_composer_exec [--phpversion=phpversion] [--workdir=$install_dir] --commands="commands"
, --phpversion
: PHP version to use with composer-w
, --workdir
: The directory from where the command will be executed. Default $install_dir or $final_path-c
, --commands
: Commands to execute.Details:
Requires YunoHost version 4.2 or higher.
Usage: ynh_install_composer [--phpversion=phpversion] [--workdir=$install_dir] [--install_args="--optimize-autoloader"] [--composerversion=composerversion]
, --phpversion
: PHP version to use with composer-w
, --workdir
: The directory from where the command will be executed. Default $install_dir.-a
, --install_args
: Additional arguments provided to the composer install. Argument --no-dev already include-c
, --composerversion
: Composer version to installDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 4.2 or higher.
This is coupled to the 'database' resource in the manifest.toml - at least for mysql/postgresql. Mongodb/redis may have better integration in the future.
Usage: ynh_mysql_connect_as --user=user --password=password [--database=database]
, --user=
: the user name to connect as-p
, --password=
: the user password-d
, --database=
: the database to connect toExamples:
ynh_mysql_connect_as --user="user" --password="pass" <<< "UPDATE ...;"
ynh_mysql_connect_as --user="user" --password="pass" < /path/to/file.sql
Requires YunoHost version 2.2.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_mysql_execute_as_root --sql=sql [--database=database]
, --sql=
: the SQL command to execute-d
, --database=
: the database to connect toDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 2.2.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_mysql_execute_file_as_root --file=file [--database=database]
, --file=
: the file containing SQL commands-d
, --database=
: the database to connect toDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 2.2.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_mysql_dump_db --database=database
, --database=
: the database name to dumpReturns: The mysqldump output
Example: ynh_mysql_dump_db --database=roundcube > ./dump.sql
Requires YunoHost version 2.2.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_psql_connect_as --user=user --password=password [--database=database]
, --user=
: the user name to connect as-p
, --password=
: the user password-d
, --database=
: the database to connect toExamples:
ynh_psql_connect_as 'user' 'pass' <<< "UPDATE ...;"
ynh_psql_connect_as 'user' 'pass' < /path/to/file.sql
Requires YunoHost version 3.5.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_psql_execute_as_root --sql=sql [--database=database]
, --sql=
: the SQL command to execute-d
, --database=
: the database to connect toDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 3.5.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_psql_execute_file_as_root --file=file [--database=database]
, --file=
: the file containing SQL commands-d
, --database=
: the database to connect toDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 3.5.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_psql_dump_db --database=database
, --database=
: the database name to dumpReturns: the psqldump output
Example: ynh_psql_dump_db 'roundcube' > ./dump.sql
Requires YunoHost version 3.5.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_psql_database_exists --database=database | exit: Return 1 if the database doesn't exist, 0 otherwise
, --database=
: the database for which to check existenceDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 3.5.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_mongo_exec [--user=user] [--password=password] [--authenticationdatabase=authenticationdatabase] [--database=database] [--host=host] [--port=port] --command="command" [--eval]
, --user=
: The user name to connect as-p
, --password=
: The user password-d
, --authenticationdatabase=
: The authenticationdatabase to connect to-d
, --database=
: The database to connect to-h
, --host=
: The host to connect to-P
, --port=
: The port to connect to-c
, --command=
: The command to evaluate-e
, --eval
: Evaluate instead of execute the command.Example: ynh_mongo_exec --command='db.getMongo().getDBNames().indexOf("wekan")' example: ynh_mongo_exec --command="db.getMongo().getDBNames().indexOf(\"wekan\")"
Usage: ynh_mongo_dump_db --database=database
, --database=
: The database name to dumpReturns: the mongodump output
Example: ynh_mongo_dump_db --database=wekan > ./dump.bson
Usage: ynh_mongo_database_exists --database=database | exit: Return 1 if the database doesn't exist, 0 otherwise
, --database=
: The database for which to check existenceDetails:
Usage: ynh_mongo_restore_db --database=database
, --database=
: The database name to restoreExample: ynh_mongo_restore_db --database=wekan < ./dump.bson
Usage: ynh_mongo_setup_db --db_user=user --db_name=name [--db_pwd=pwd]
, --db_user=
: Owner of the database-n
, --db_name=
: Name of the database-p
, --db_pwd=
: Password of the database. If not provided, a password will be generatedDetails:
After executing this helper, the password of the created database will be available in $db_pwd
It will also be stored as "mongopwd" into the app settings.
Usage: ynh_mongo_remove_db --db_user=user --db_name=name
, --db_user=
: Owner of the database-n
, --db_name=
: Name of the databaseDetails:
Usage: ynh_install_mongo [--mongo_version=mongo_version]
, --mongo_version=
: Version of MongoDB to installDetails:
Remove MongoDB
Only remove the MongoDB service integration in YunoHost for now
if MongoDB package as been removed
Usage: ynh_remove_mongo
Usage: ynh_redis_get_free_db
Returns: the database number to use Dude, show me the code!
Create a master password and set up global settings
Please always call this script in install and restore scripts
Usage: ynh_redis_remove_db database
: the database to erase
Dude, show me the code!
Usage: ynh_add_config --template="template" --destination="destination"
, --template=
: Template config file to use-d
, --destination=
: Destination of the config file-j
, --jinja
: Use jinja template instead of the simple __MY_VAR__
templating formatExamples:
ynh_add_config --template=".env" --destination="$install_dir/.env" # (use the template file "conf/.env" from the app's package)
ynh_add_config --jinja --template="config.j2" --destination="$install_dir/config" # (use the template file "conf/config.j2" from the app's package)
The template can be by default the name of a file in the conf directory
of a YunoHost Package, a relative path or an absolute path.
The helper will use the template template
to generate a config file
by replacing the following keywords with global variables
that should be defined before calling this helper :
__PATH__ by $path_url
__NAME__ by $app
__NAMETOCHANGE__ by $app
__USER__ by $app
__FINALPATH__ by $final_path
__PHPVERSION__ by $YNH_PHP_VERSION (packaging v1 only, packaging v2 uses phpversion setting implicitly set by apt resource)
__YNH_NODE_LOAD_PATH__ by $ynh_node_load_PATH
And any dynamic variables that should be defined before calling this helper like:
__DOMAIN__ by $domain
__APP__ by $app
__VAR_1__ by $var_1
__VAR_2__ by $var_2
This option is meant for advanced use-cases where the "simple" templating mode ain't enough because you need conditional blocks or loops.
For a full documentation of jinja's syntax you can refer to:
Note that in YunoHost context, all variables are from shell variables and therefore are strings
The helper will verify the checksum and backup the destination file if it's different before applying the new template.
And it will calculate and store the destination file checksum into the app settings when configuration is done.
Requires YunoHost version 4.1.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_read_var_in_file --file=PATH --key=KEY
, --file=
: the path to the file-k
, --key=
: the key to get-a
, --after=
: the line just before the key (in case of multiple lines with the name of the key in the file)Details:
This helpers match several var affectation use case in several languages
We don't use jq or equivalent to keep comments and blank space in files
This helpers work line by line, it is not able to work correctly
if you have several identical keys in your files
Example of line this helpers can managed correctly .yml title: YunoHost documentation email: '' .json "theme": "colib'ris", "port": 8102 "some_boolean": false, "user": null .ini some_boolean = On action = "Clear" port = 20 .php $user= user => 20 .py USER = 8102 user = 'https://donate.local' CUSTOM['user'] = 'YunoHost'
Requires YunoHost version 4.3 or higher.
Usage: ynh_write_var_in_file --file=PATH --key=KEY --value=VALUE
, --file=
: the path to the file-k
, --key=
: the key to set-v
, --value=
: the value to set-a
, --after=
: the line just before the key (in case of multiple lines with the name of the key in the file)Details:
Requires YunoHost version 4.3 or higher.
Usage: ynh_add_nginx_config
This will use a template in ../conf/nginx.conf
See the documentation of ynh_add_config
for a description of the template
format and how placeholders are replaced with actual variables.
Additionally, ynh_add_nginx_config will replace:
by empty string if path_url
is not '/'
by empty string if path_url
is '/'
This allows to enable/disable specific behaviors dependenging on the install location
Requires YunoHost version 4.1.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_remove_nginx_config
Requires YunoHost version 2.7.2 or higher.
Usage: ynh_change_url_nginx_config
Requires YunoHost version 11.1.9 or higher.
Usage: ynh_add_fpm_config
Case 1 (recommended) : your provided a snippet conf/extra_php-fpm.conf
The actual PHP configuration will be automatically generated, and your extra_php-fpm.conf will be appended (typically contains PHP upload limits)
The resulting configuration will be deployed to the appropriate place, /etc/php/$phpversion/fpm/pool.d/$app.conf
Performance-related options in the PHP conf, such as : pm.max_children, pm.start_servers, pm.min_spare_servers pm.max_spare_servers are computed from two parameters called "usage" and "footprint" which can be set to low/medium/high. (cf details below)
If you wish to tweak those, please initialize the settings fpm_usage
and fpm_footprint
prior to calling this helper. Otherwise, "low" will be used as a default for both values.
Otherwise, if you want the user to have control over these, we encourage to create a config panel (which should ultimately be standardized by the core ...)
Case 2 (deprecate) : you provided an entire conf/php-fpm.conf
The configuration will be hydrated, replacing FOOBAR placeholders with $foobar values, etc.
The resulting configuration will be deployed to the appropriate place, /etc/php/$phpversion/fpm/pool.d/$app.conf
fpm_footprint: Memory footprint of the service (low/medium/high). low - Less than 20 MB of RAM by pool. medium - Between 20 MB and 40 MB of RAM by pool. high - More than 40 MB of RAM by pool. N - Or you can specify a quantitative footprint as MB by pool (use watch -n0.5 ps -o user,cmd,%cpu,rss -u APP)
fpm_usage: Expected usage of the service (low/medium/high). low - Personal usage, behind the SSO. medium - Low usage, few people or/and publicly accessible. high - High usage, frequently visited website.
The footprint of the service will be used to defined the maximum footprint we can allow, which is half the maximum RAM. So it will be used to defined 'pm.max_children' A lower value for the footprint will allow more children for 'pm.max_children'. And so for 'pm.start_servers', 'pm.min_spare_servers' and 'pm.max_spare_servers' which are defined from the value of 'pm.max_children' NOTE: 'pm.max_children' can't exceed 4 times the number of processor's cores.
The usage value will defined the way php will handle the children for the pool. A value set as 'low' will set the process manager to 'ondemand'. Children will start only if the service is used, otherwise no child will stay alive. This config gives the lower footprint when the service is idle. But will use more proc since it has to start a child as soon it's used. Set as 'medium', the process manager will be at dynamic. If the service is idle, a number of children equal to pm.min_spare_servers will stay alive. So the service can be quick to answer to any request. The number of children can grow if needed. The footprint can stay low if the service is idle, but not null. The impact on the proc is a little bit less than 'ondemand' as there's always a few children already available. Set as 'high', the process manager will be set at 'static'. There will be always as many children as 'pm.max_children', the footprint is important (but will be set as maximum a quarter of the maximum RAM) but the impact on the proc is lower. The service will be quick to answer as there's always many children ready to answer.
Requires YunoHost version 4.1.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_remove_fpm_config
Requires YunoHost version 2.7.2 or higher.
Usage: ynh_add_systemd_config [--service=service] [--template=template]
, --service=
: Service name (optionnal, $app
by default)-t
, --template=
: Name of template file (optionnal, this is 'systemd' by default, meaning ../conf/systemd.service
will be used as template)Details:
This will use the template ../conf/<templatename>.service
See the documentation of ynh_add_config
for a description of the template
format and how placeholders are replaced with actual variables.
Requires YunoHost version 4.1.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_remove_systemd_config [--service=service]
, --service=
: Service name (optionnal, $app by default)Details:
Requires YunoHost version 2.7.2 or higher.
Usage: ynh_systemd_action [--service_name=service_name] [--action=action] [ [--line_match="line to match"] [--log_path=log_path] [--timeout=300] [--length=20] ]
, --service_name=
: Name of the service to start. Default : $app
, --action=
: Action to perform with systemctl. Default: start-l
, --line_match=
: Line to match - The line to find in the log to attest the service have finished to boot. If not defined it don't wait until the service is completely started.-p
, --log_path=
: Log file - Path to the log file. Default : /var/log/$app/$app.log
, --timeout=
: Timeout - The maximum time to wait before ending the watching. Default : 300 seconds.-e
, --length=
: Length of the error log displayed for debugging : Default : 20Details:
Requires YunoHost version 3.5.0 or higher.
Usage: 1: ynh_add_fail2ban_config --logpath=log_file --failregex=filter [--max_retry=max_retry] [--ports=ports] 2: ynh_add_fail2ban_config --use_template
, --logpath=
: Log file to be checked by fail2ban-r
, --failregex=
: Failregex to be looked for by fail2ban-m
, --max_retry=
: Maximum number of retries allowed before banning IP address - default: 3-p
, --ports=
: Ports blocked for a banned IP address - default: http,https-t
, --use_template
: Use this helper in template modeDetails:
This will use a template in ../conf/f2b_jail.conf
and ../conf/f2b_filter.conf
See the documentation of ynh_add_config
for a description of the template
format and how placeholders are replaced with actual variables.
Generally your template will look like that by example (for synapse):
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = __APP__
logpath = /var/log/__APP__/logfile.log
maxretry = 3
before = common.conf
# Part of regex definition (just used to make more easy to make the global regex)
__synapse_start_line = .? \- synapse\..+ \-
# Regex definition.
failregex = ^%(__synapse_start_line)s INFO \- POST\-(\d+)\- <HOST> \- \d+ \- Received request\: POST /_matrix/client/r0/login\??<SKIPLINES>%(__synapse_start_line)s INFO \- POST\-\1\- Got login request with identifier: \{u'type': u'', u'user'\: u'(.+?)'\}, medium\: None, address: None, user\: u'\5'<SKIPLINES>%(__synapse_start_line)s WARNING \- \- (Attempted to login as @\5\:.+ but they do not exist|Failed password login for user @\5\:.+)$
ignoreregex =
regex to match the password failure messages in the logfile. The host must be
matched by a group named "host
". The tag "<HOST>
" can be used for standard
IP/hostname matching and is only an alias for (?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P<host>[\w\-.^_]+)
You can find some more explainations about how to make a regex here :
To validate your regex you can test with this command:
fail2ban-regex /var/log/YOUR_LOG_FILE_PATH /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/YOUR_APP.conf
Requires YunoHost version 4.1.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_remove_fail2ban_config
Requires YunoHost version 3.5.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_use_logrotate [--logfile=/log/file] [--specific_user=user/group]
, --logfile=
: absolute path of logfile-u
, --specific_user=
: run logrotate as the specified user and group. If not specified logrotate is runned as root.Details:
If no --logfile
is provided, /var/log/$app
will be used as default.
can point to a directory or a file.
Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_remove_logrotate
Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_local_curl "page_uri" "key1=value1" "key2=value2" ...
: Path (relative to $path_url
) of the page where POST data will be sentkey1=value1
: (Optionnal) POST key and corresponding valuekey2=value2
: (Optionnal) Another POST key and corresponding value...
: (Optionnal) More POST keys and valuesExample: ynh_local_curl "/install.php?installButton" "foo=$var1" "bar=$var2"
For multiple calls, cookies are persisted between each call for the same app
and $path_url
should be defined externally (and correspond to the domain.tld and the /path (of the app?))
Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_secure_remove --file=path_to_remove
, --file=
: File or directory to removeDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_read_manifest --manifest="manifest.json" --manifest_key="key"
, --manifest=
: Path of the manifest to read-k
, --manifest_key=
: Name of the key to findReturns: the value associate to that key
Requires YunoHost version 3.5.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_app_upstream_version [--manifest="manifest.json"]
, --manifest=
: Path of the manifest to readReturns: the version number of the upstream app
If the manifest
is not specified, the envvar $YNH_APP_MANIFEST_VERSION
will be used.
The version number in the manifest is defined by <upstreamversion>~ynh<packageversion>
For example, if the manifest contains 4.3-2~ynh3
the function will return 4.3-2
Requires YunoHost version 3.5.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_check_app_version_changed
if the upstream version changed, UPGRADE_PACKAGE
This helper should be used to avoid an upgrade of an app, or the upstream part
of it, when it's not needed
Requires YunoHost version 3.5.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_compare_current_package_version --comparison (lt|le|eq|ne|ge|gt) --version <X~ynhY>
: Comparison type. Could be : lt
(lower than), le
(lower or equal), eq
(equal), ne
(not equal), ge
(greater or equal), gt
(greater than)--version
: The version to compare. Need to be a version in the yunohost package version type (like 2.3.1~ynh4
)Returns: 0 if the evaluation is true, 1 if false.
Example: ynh_compare_current_package_version --comparison lt --version 2.3.2~ynh1
This helper is usually used when we need to do some actions only for some old package versions.
Generally you might probably use it as follow in the upgrade script :
if ynh_compare_current_package_version --comparison lt --version 2.3.2~ynh1
# Do something that is needed for the package version older than 2.3.2~ynh1
Requires YunoHost version 3.8.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_user_exists --username=username
, --username=
: the username to checkReturns: 0 if the user exists, 1 otherwise.
Example: ynh_user_exists 'toto' || echo "User does not exist"
Requires YunoHost version 2.2.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_user_get_info --username=username --key=key
, --username=
: the username to retrieve info from-k
, --key=
: the key to retrieveReturns: the value associate to that key
Example: mail=$(ynh_user_get_info --username="toto" --key=mail)
Requires YunoHost version 2.2.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_user_list
Returns: one username per line as strings
Example: for u in $(ynh_user_list); do ... ; done
Requires YunoHost version 2.4.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_app_setting_get --app=app --key=key
, --app=
: the application id-k
, --key=
: the setting to getDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 2.2.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_app_setting_set --app=app --key=key --value=value
, --app=
: the application id-k
, --key=
: the setting name to set-v
, --value=
: the setting value to setDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 2.2.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_app_setting_set_default --app=app --key=key --value=value
, --app=
: the application id-k
, --key=
: the setting name to set-v
, --value=
: the default setting value to setDetails:
Note that it doesn't just define the setting but ALSO define the $foobar variable
Hence it's meant as a replacement for this legacy overly complex syntax:
if [ -z "${foo:-}" ] then foo="bar" ynh_app_setting_set --key="foo" --value="$foo" fi
Requires YunoHost version 11.1.16 or higher.
Usage: ynh_app_setting_delete --app=app --key=key
, --app=
: the application id-k
, --key=
: the setting to deleteDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 2.2.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_string_random [--length=string_length]
, --length=
: the string length to generate (default: 24)-f
, --filter=
: the kind of characters accepted in the output (default: 'A-Za-z0-9')Returns: the generated string
Example: pwd=$(ynh_string_random --length=8)
Requires YunoHost version 2.2.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_replace_string --match_string=match_string --replace_string=replace_string --target_file=target_file
, --match_string=
: String to be searched and replaced in the file-r
, --replace_string=
: String that will replace matches-f
, --target_file=
: File in which the string will be replaced.Details:
As this helper is based on sed command, regular expressions and references to
sub-expressions can be used (see sed manual page for more information)
Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_replace_special_string --match_string=match_string --replace_string=replace_string --target_file=target_file
, --match_string=
: String to be searched and replaced in the file-r
, --replace_string=
: String that will replace matches-t
, --target_file=
: File in which the string will be replaced.Details:
This helper will use ynh_replace_string, but as you can use special
characters, you can't use some regular expressions and sub-expressions.
Requires YunoHost version 2.7.7 or higher.
Usage: ynh_backup --src_path=src_path [--dest_path=dest_path] [--is_big] [--not_mandatory]
, --src_path=
: file or directory to bind or symlink or copy. it shouldn't be in the backup dir.-d
, --dest_path=
: destination file or directory inside the backup dir-b
, --is_big
: Indicate data are big (mail, video, image ...)-m
, --not_mandatory
: Indicate that if the file is missing, the backup can ignore it.Details:
This helper can be used both in a system backup hook, and in an app backup script
writes src_path
and the relative dest_path
into a CSV file, and it
creates the parent destination directory
If dest_path
is ended by a slash it complete this path with the basename of src_path
Example in the context of a wordpress app :
ynh_backup "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf"
# => This line will be added into CSV file
# "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf","apps/wordpress/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf"
ynh_backup "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf" "conf/nginx.conf"
# => "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf","apps/wordpress/conf/nginx.conf"
ynh_backup "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf" "conf/"
# => "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf","apps/wordpress/conf/$app.conf"
ynh_backup "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf" "conf"
# => "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf","apps/wordpress/conf"
#Deprecated usages (maintained for retro-compatibility)
ynh_backup "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf" "${backup_dir}/conf/nginx.conf"
# => "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf","apps/wordpress/conf/nginx.conf"
ynh_backup "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf" "/conf/"
# => "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf","apps/wordpress/conf/$app.conf"
How to use --is_big
is used to specify that this part of the backup can be quite huge.
So, you don't want that your package does backup that part during ynh_backup_before_upgrade.
In the same way, an user may doesn't want to backup this big part of the app for
each of his backup. And so handle that part differently.
As this part of your backup may not be done, your restore script has to handle it.
In your restore script, use --not_mandatory
with ynh_restore_file
As well in your remove script, you should not remove those data ! Or an user may end up with
a failed upgrade restoring an app without data anymore !
To have the benefit of --is_big
while doing a backup, you can whether set the environement
) before the backup command. It will affect
only that backup command.
Or set the config do_not_backup_data
to 1 into the settings.yml
of the app. This will affect
all backups for this app until the setting is removed.
Requires YunoHost version 2.4.0 or higher.
Requires YunoHost version 3.5.0 or higher for the argument --not_mandatory
Usage: ynh_restore
Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_restore_file --origin_path=origin_path [--dest_path=dest_path] [--not_mandatory]
, --origin_path=
: Path where was located the file or the directory before to be backuped or relative path to $YNH_CWD where it is located in the backup archive-d
, --dest_path=
: Path where restore the file or the dir. If unspecified, the destination will be ORIGIN_PATH
or if the ORIGIN_PATH
doesn't exist in the archive, the destination will be searched into backup.csv
, --not_mandatory
: Indicate that if the file is missing, the restore process can ignore it.Examples:
ynh_restore_file -o "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf"
You can also use relative paths:
ynh_restore_file -o "conf/nginx.conf"
Use the registered path in backup_list by ynh_backup to restore the file at the right place.
already exists and is lighter than 500 Mo, a backup will be made in
. Otherwise, the existing file is removed.
if apps/$app/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/$app.conf
exists, restore it into
if no, search for a match in the csv (eg: conf/nginx.conf) and restore it into
Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher. Requires YunoHost version 3.5.0 or higher for the argument --not_mandatory
Usage: ynh_store_file_checksum --file=file
, --file=
: The file on which the checksum will performed, then stored.Details:
$app should be defined when calling this helper
Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file=file
, --file=
: The file on which the checksum test will be perfomed.Returns: the name of a backup file, or nothing
This helper is primarily meant to allow to easily backup personalised/manually
modified config files.
Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_delete_file_checksum --file=file
, --file=
: The file for which the checksum will be deletedDetails:
$app should be defined when calling this helper
Requires YunoHost version 3.3.1 or higher.
Usage: ynh_die --message=MSG [--ret_code=RETCODE]
, --message=
: Message to display-c
, --ret_code=
: Exit code to exit withDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 2.4.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_print_info --message="Some message"
, --message=
: Message to displayDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 3.2.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_print_warn --message="Text to print"
, --message=
: The text to printDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 3.2.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_print_err --message="Text to print"
, --message=
: The text to printDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 3.2.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_exec_err your command and args
: command to executeDetails:
Note that you should NOT quote the command but only prefix it with ynh_exec_err
Requires YunoHost version 3.2.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_exec_warn your command and args
: command to executeDetails:
Note that you should NOT quote the command but only prefix it with ynh_exec_warn
Requires YunoHost version 3.2.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_exec_warn_less your command and args
: command to executeDetails:
Note that you should NOT quote the command but only prefix it with ynh_exec_warn
Requires YunoHost version 3.2.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_exec_quiet your command and args
: command to executeDetails:
Note that you should NOT quote the command but only prefix it with ynh_exec_warn
Requires YunoHost version 3.2.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_exec_quiet your command and args
: command to executeDetails:
Note that you should NOT quote the command but only prefix it with ynh_exec_quiet
Requires YunoHost version 3.2.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_exec_and_print_stderr_only_if_error your command and args
: command to executeDetails:
Note that you should NOT quote the command but only prefix it with ynh_exec_and_print_stderr_only_if_error
Requires YunoHost version 11.2 or higher.
Usage: ynh_script_progression --message=message [--weight=weight] [--time]
, --message=
: The text to print-w
, --weight=
: The weight for this progression. This value is 1 by default. Use a bigger value for a longer part of the script.-t
, --time
: Print the execution time since the last call to this helper. Especially usefull to define weights. The execution time is given for the duration since the previous call. So the weight should be applied to this previous call.-l
, --last
: Use for the last call of the helper, to fill the progression bar.Details:
Requires YunoHost version 3.5.0 or higher.
Return data to the YunoHost core for later processing
(to be used by special hooks like app config panel and core diagnosis)
Usage: ynh_return somedata
Requires YunoHost version 3.6.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_multimedia_build_main_dir
Requires YunoHost version 4.2 or higher.
Usage: ynh_multimedia_addfolder --source_dir="source_dir" --dest_dir="dest_dir"
, --source_dir=
: Source directory - The real directory which contains your medias.-d
, --dest_dir=
: Destination directory - The name and the place of the symbolic link, relative to "/home/yunohost.multimedia"Details:
This "directory" will be a symbolic link to a existing directory.
Requires YunoHost version 4.2 or higher.
Usage: ynh_multimedia_addaccess user_name
, --user_name=
: The name of the user which gain this access.Details:
Requires YunoHost version 4.2 or higher.
Usage: ynh_permission_create --permission="permission" [--url="url"] [--additional_urls="second-url" [ "third-url" ]] [--auth_header=true|false] [--allowed=group1 [ group2 ]] [--show_tile=true|false] [--protected=true|false]
, --permission=
: the name for the permission (by default a permission named "main" already exist)-u
, --url=
: (optional) URL for which access will be allowed/forbidden. Note that if 'show_tile' is enabled, this URL will be the URL of the tile.-A
, --additional_urls=
: (optional) List of additional URL for which access will be allowed/forbidden-h
, --auth_header=
: (optional) Define for the URL of this permission, if SSOwat pass the authentication header to the application. Default is true-a
, --allowed=
: (optional) A list of group/user to allow for the permission-t
, --show_tile=
: (optional) Define if a tile will be shown in the SSO. If yes the name of the tile will be the 'label' parameter. Defaults to false for the permission different than 'main'.-P
, --protected=
: (optional) Define if this permission is protected. If it is protected the administrator won't be able to add or remove the visitors group of this permission. Defaults to 'false'.Details:
Example 1: ynh_permission_create --permission=admin --url=/admin --additional_urls=domain.tld/admin /superadmin --allowed=alice bob \ --show_tile=true
This example will create a new permission permission with this following effect:
Example 2:
ynh_permission_create --permission=api --url=domain.tld/api --auth_header=false --allowed=visitors \ --protected=true
This example will create a new protected permission. So the admin won't be able to add/remove the visitors group of this permission. In case of an API with need to be always public it avoid that the admin break anything. With this permission all client will be allowed to access to the url 'domain.tld/api'. Note that in this case no tile will be show on the SSO. Note that the auth_header parameter is to 'false'. So no authentication header will be passed to the application. Generally the API is requested by an application and enabling the auth_header has no advantage and could bring some issues in some case. So in this case it's better to disable this option for all API.
If provided, 'url' or 'additional_urls' is assumed to be relative to the app domain/path if they start with '/'. For example: / -> domain.tld/app /admin -> domain.tld/app/admin domain.tld/app/api -> domain.tld/app/api
'url' or 'additional_urls' can be treated as a PCRE (not lua) regex if it starts with "re:". For example: re:/api/[A-Z]$ -> domain.tld/app/api/[A-Z]$ re:domain.tld/app/api/[A-Z]$ -> domain.tld/app/api/[A-Z]$
Note that globally the parameter 'url' and 'additional_urls' are same. The only difference is:
About the authentication header (auth_header parameter). The SSO pass (by default) to the application theses following HTTP header (linked to the authenticated user) to the application:
Generally this feature is usefull to authenticate automatically the user in the application but in some case the application don't work with theses header and theses header need to be disabled to have the application to work correctly. See for more informations
Requires YunoHost version 3.7.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_permission_delete --permission="permission"
, --permission=
: the name for the permission (by default a permission named "main" is removed automatically when the app is removed)Example: ynh_permission_delete --permission=editors
Requires YunoHost version 3.7.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_permission_exists --permission=permission | exit: Return 1 if the permission doesn't exist, 0 otherwise
, --permission=
: the permission to checkDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 3.7.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_permission_url --permission "permission" [--url="url"] [--add_url="new-url" [ "other-new-url" ]] [--remove_url="old-url" [ "other-old-url" ]] [--auth_header=true|false] [--clear_urls]
, --permission=
: the name for the permission (by default a permission named "main" is removed automatically when the app is removed)-u
, --url=
: (optional) URL for which access will be allowed/forbidden. Note that if you want to remove url you can pass an empty sting as arguments ("").-a
, --add_url=
: (optional) List of additional url to add for which access will be allowed/forbidden.-r
, --remove_url=
: (optional) List of additional url to remove for which access will be allowed/forbidden-h
, --auth_header=
: (optional) Define for the URL of this permission, if SSOwat pass the authentication header to the application-c
, --clear_urls
: (optional) Clean all urls (url and additional_urls)Details:
Requires YunoHost version 3.7.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_permission_update --permission "permission" [--add="group" ["group" ...]] [--remove="group" ["group" ...]] [--show_tile=true|false] [--protected=true|false]
, --permission=
: the name for the permission (by default a permission named "main" already exist)-a
, --add=
: the list of group or users to enable add to the permission-r
, --remove=
: the list of group or users to remove from the permission-t
, --show_tile=
: (optional) Define if a tile will be shown in the SSO-P
, --protected=
: (optional) Define if this permission is protected. If it is protected the administrator won't be able to add or remove the visitors group of this permission.Details:
Requires YunoHost version 3.7.0 or higher.
Usage: ynh_permission_has_user --permission=permission --user=user | exit: Return 1 if the permission doesn't have that user or doesn't exist, 0 otherwise
, --permission=
: the permission to check-u
, --user=
: the user seek in the permissionExample: ynh_permission_has_user --permission=main --user=visitors
Requires YunoHost version 3.7.1 or higher.
Usage: ynh_legacy_permissions_exists | exit: Return 1 if the permission doesn't exist, 0 otherwise
Requires YunoHost version 4.1.2 or higher.
Usage: ynh_legacy_permissions_delete_all
Example: if ynh_legacy_permissions_exists then ynh_legacy_permissions_delete_all # You can recreate the required permissions here with ynh_permission_create fi Requires YunoHost version 4.1.2 or higher.
Dude, show me the code!
Usage: ynh_package_is_installed --package=name
, --package=
: the package name to checkReturns: 0 if the package is installed, 1 else.
Example: ynh_package_is_installed --package=yunohost && echo "installed"
Requires YunoHost version 2.2.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_install_app_dependencies dep [dep [...]]
: the package name to install in dependence."dep1|dep2|…"
: You can specify alternatives. It will require to install (dep1 or dep2, etc).Details:
This helper can/should only be called once per app
example : ynh_install_app_dependencies dep1 dep2 "dep3|dep4|dep5"
Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_remove_app_dependencies
Dependencies will removed only if no other package need them.
Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_install_extra_app_dependencies --repo="repo" --package="dep1 dep2" [--key=key_url] [--name=name]
, --repo=
: Complete url of the extra repository.-p
, --package=
: The packages to install from this extra repository-k
, --key=
: url to get the public key.-n
, --name=
: Name for the files for this repo, $app as default value.Details:
Requires YunoHost version 3.8.1 or higher.
Usage: ynh_system_user_create --username=user_name [--home_dir=home_dir] [--use_shell] [--groups="group1 group2"]
, --username=
: Name of the system user that will be create-h
, --home_dir=
: Path of the home dir for the user. Usually the final path of the app. If this argument is omitted, the user will be created without home-s
, --use_shell
: Create a user using the default login shell if present. If this argument is omitted, the user will be created with /usr/sbin/nologin shell-g
, --groups
: Add the user to system groups. Typically meant to add the user to the / group (e.g. for borgserver, my_webapp)Details:
Create a nextcloud user with no home directory and /usr/sbin/nologin login shell (hence no login capability) :
ynh_system_user_create --username=nextcloud
Create a discourse user using /var/www/discourse as home directory and the default login shell :
ynh_system_user_create --username=discourse --home_dir=/var/www/discourse --use_shell
Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_system_user_delete --username=user_name
, --username=
: Name of the system user that will be createDetails:
Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
Usage: ynh_exec_as $USER COMMAND [ARG ...]
Requires YunoHost version 4.1.7 or higher.
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